2011年1月20日 星期四

補冬圍爐 養生年菜

快樂團圓 健美長壽


獨家秘方珍貴上等中藥材 各種珍菇

慢火精燉 無羊羶味 補而不燥

羊肉咬勁十足 肉質香滑彈牙 連皮帶骨口感豐富



採肉質細嫩 油脂少之全鴨

以冷榨香濃黑麻油炒香 配老薑及名貴中藥材

慢火精燉 香氣四溢 湯頭甘甜不嗆喉



王姐美食 懷古創新 不斷進步 626-581-7345


4 則留言:

康勳庭 @ 成長紀錄本 提到...


Unknown 提到...

I bought the beef noodle soup today, just out side of four sea breakfast off San Gabriel and Las Tunas. I was so eager to try it out so I heated up 10 mins ago with my favorite noodle. I took a spoonful of soup and my reaction was, what kind of beef soup this is? It does not have any beef flavor at all or no flavor at all. It almost seems like the soup is a mixture of water and soy sauce. I am very disappointed.

王莉民 Wang Li-Ming 提到...

抗癌茶對大腸癌比較有效,適合中午,下午喝. 早上可以喝黃耆紅棗茶.


王莉民 Wang Li-Ming 提到...

Hi "Unknown":

Here in our kitchen we deliberately have a low salt and soy sauce use policy because of the harmful effects excessive sodium has on the body. You may have noticed that our soup is much less salty than the average restaurant's rendition. If you found your beef noodle soup to be too bland for your taste, feel free to tamper at your discretion. Our broth, however, is made from stewing beef hocks for 24 hours at a low between 85C and 95C. We let our soup base soak up all the gelatin and marrow from the bones that we discard, in addition to a homemade blend of fragrant spices, before we cook the tendon and beef ribs in the soup. The tendons are cooked for 12 hours, and the ribs are cooked for 40 minutes in order to maximize the texture and flavor of each. Certainly the broth could not have tasted thin or watered down. Perhaps this product is better outfitted for a more sensitive, discerning tongue. Thank you for your purchase and feedback!
